• TNAI Assam State Branch

    Office Bearer of TNAI Assam State Branch
  • TNAI Assam State Branch

    Office Bearer of TNAI Assam State Branch
  • TNAI Assam State Branch

    Office Bearer of TNAI Assam State Branch

THE TRAINED NURSES ASSOCIATION OF INDIA Established 1908 107 Glorious Years of Association Moving ahead with commitment and dedication…


The Trained Nurses’ Association of India (TNAI) is a national organization of nurse professionals at different levels.  It was established in 1908 and was initially known as Association of Nursing Superintendents.
The Government of India has recognized TNAI as a service organization in 1950. A similar recognition by all the State Governments has been an asset to the promotion of its objectives.

Foundation stone for TNAI Headquarters   Inaugurated by Smt. Indira Gandhi laid by Dr. S Radhakrishnan

Upholding every way the

  • Dignity and honour of the nursing profession,
  • Promoting a sense of espirit de corps among all nurses,
  • To advance professional, educational, economic and general welfare of nurses


  • To enunciate standards of Nursing Education and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To establish standards and qualifications for nursing practice.
  • To enunciate standards of Nursing Service and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To establish a code of ethical conduct for practitioners.
  •  To stimulate and promote research designed to enhance
  • To stimulate and promote research designed to enhance the knowledge for evidence-based nursing practice.
  • To promote legislation and to speak for Nurses in regard to legislative action.
  • To promote and protect the economic welfare of Nurses.
  • To provide professional counselling and placement service for Nurses.
  • To provide for the continuing professional development of practitioners.
  • To represent Nurses and serve as their spoke person with allied national and international organisations,governmental and other bodies and the public.
  • To serve as the official representative of the Nurses of India
    as a member of the International Council of Nurses.
  • To promote the general health and welfare of the public through the Association programmes, relationships and activities e.g. Disaster Management.
  • To render care as per the changing needs of the society.
Established in 1957
Sr. No.NameTenure 
1Ms. M. Sudermam1957-1960
2Ms. M. Lyongdoh1960-1966
3Ms. M. Lyongdoh1966-1969
4Mrs. A. Kerketta1966-1969
5Ms. P. Lyongdoh1969-1974
6Ms. Dipty Simon1974- Nov. 1978 
7Ms. Idilincy Kharbuli1980-1984
8Mrs. A. KerkettaMay 1984-May 1990
9Mrs. B. Chetra1990-1995
10Mrs. B. Chetra1995-2000
11Mrs. Punya BhattacharyaSept. 15 2000- 2004
12Mrs. Madhuri KhakhlariAugust 2004- August 22, 2009 
13Mrs. Kiran BorgohainAugust 22, 2009-2013
14Ms. Banashree Lata Sadhanider21st October, 2013-2017
15Mr. Sonaram Nath13th October, 2017 – August 2023
16Mrs. Bina BorahSeptember, 2023 to till date
Sr. No.NameTenure 
1Mrs. P. Lyongdoh1974-1978
2Mrs. Mapla Ezung1978-1981
3Ms. I H Dkhar1973-1978
4Ms. Dipanjali Phukar1978-1982
5Ms. Madhuri Khakhlari1981-1982
6Ms. Madhuri Khakhlari1982-1984
7Ms. Kiran Borgohain01st May, 1984
8Mrs. Aruna BaruahMay 1986-1990 (interim)
9Ms. R. BuragohainMay 1990-1990
10Ms. Indira Dey1992- 1995
11Ms. Indira Dey1995-2000
12Mrs. Jogamaya BoishnabSept. 2000-2004
13Mrs. Jogamaya Boishnab2004-2009
14Mrs. Bina BorahAugust 22, 2009-2013
15Mrs. Bina BorahAugust 23, 2013- 2017
16Mrs. Anjali Hazarika13th October, 2017-2023
17Mrs. Anjali HazarikaSeptember, 2023 to till date